Food & Drinks

Food & Drinks

Bodega Fila El Labrador: Enjoy traditional, cheap tapas & local wine in one of the best tapas bars in Valencia

No, this is not a dog bar (I wish, how awesome would that be?), this is one of the best and most popular tapas bars in Valencia. Enjoy the flavors of traditional tapas and local wine for super wallet-friendly prices. Bodega Fila El Labrador proves that cheap doesn’t equal bad quality. Vamos? Vamos!
Food & Drinks

Dempanadas: homemade, Argentinian empanadas in Valencia

Did you know there’s a whole empanada world in Valencia? No? Well, in that case, you might have a serious case of empanada deprivation. We’ve found one of the best solutions, though. Trust me, you need to discover Dempanadas’ homemade, Argentinian pieces of art.
Food & Drinks

Blackbird Café: artisan bakery-cafe with specialty coffees in Valencia

Today in our series of frequently visited places, we introduce to you: Blackbird Café. This artisan bakery-cafe was one of our first loves (not to confuse with doves) in Valencia. In fact, we’ve been here so many times that we became friends with the owners. If you’re looking for an awesome brunch spot and great specialty coffee, you’re gonna want to stick around.
Food & Drinks

Federal Café: dream the day away with Australian coffee in Valencia

On a hot Summer’s day, one of my friends wanted to cool down and catch up at Federal Café. She’d heard great stories about it and wanted to find out for herself. As it turns out: you can totally dream the day away while sipping on some Australian coffee. Is there more to it? You bet! If you’re looking for a great, trendy, brunch spot – this cafe should be on your must-visit list.
Food & Drinks

LambrusquerĂ­a : the coziest, most romantic Italian restaurants in Valencia

There’s no doubt you can find lots of Italian restaurants in Valencia, but are they as cozy and romantic as our favorite trattoria? That’s the question. We adore Lambrusquería and that’s not just because of the amazing atmosphere – we’ve munched on their tasty dishes very often. Trust me, these Italians have it all.
Food & Drinks

Mayan Coffees: organic specialty coffee - from Guatemala to Valencia

Organic, cheap, and t(o)asty specialty coffee – does that sound like music to your ears? Great, because the people from Mayan Coffees know a thing or two about a good cup of joe. Drop everything and read ahead, we’re going on a Guatemalan journey.
Food & Drinks

Chiringuito Tres14Beach: our favorite dog-friendly beach bar in Valencia

I grew up by the beach, so it’s probably no surprise that I can’t live without it. Guess what else I can’t live without? Valencia’s iconic Chiringuitos. We’ve only recently discovered Chiringuito Tres14Beach, but it’s already our favorite dog-friendly beach bar. The fact that we can bring our furry friends is not the only reason we love it. So, keep on reading, amigxs…
Food & Drinks

La Fábrica de Hielo: from an old ice factory to a unique, artistic chill-out spot in Valencia.

If you say Fábrica de Hielo, I say one of the most unique and artistic chill-out spots next to the beach of Valencia’s El Cabanyal. Friends, this old ice factory is a must-visit. Winter, spring, summer or fall, all you have to do is call… and I’ll be there ;-)